About Us

Welcome to ilmToys! I am a classroom teacher and was inspired to create toys and puzzles that my students could use to learn the material and curriculum taught in class. I wanted to create a fun and hands on way children could use play to feed their curiosity and learn more about the world around them. Our toys help children develop their problem solving, critical and analytical thinking, creativity, collaboration and fine motor skills all while learning the school curriculum. Our goal here at ilmToys is to create fun, inspirational, and engaging toys that teachers can use in the classroom for interactive lessons and parents can use at home. All our toys are carefully designed in house with great care, love, and attention.

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Soluta postea epicuri cum ne, vide intellegebat est no, id duis suscipiantur eos.


Soluta postea epicuri cum ne, vide intellegebat est no, id duis suscipiantur eos.


Soluta postea epicuri cum ne, vide intellegebat est no, id duis suscipiantur eos.

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